Should We Still Be Worried About COVID-19?

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Should We Still Be Worried About COVID-19?
Just when we thought the pandemic air was diminishing, the cases are once again on the rise. It is uncertain how the pandemic is going to turn out with the change in season. Thus, it is wise to take precautions and be prepared now than being sorry later.
Living in a residential society means meeting with other individuals and coming in contact with common surfaces every day. The need of the hour is to make a conscious decision to stay at home or limit outdoor visits, maintain personal hygiene etiquettes, and adhere to the COVID-19 safety guidelines set by RWAs, health organisations and the government.
Dr Jagadeesh Kumar P, Consultant Pulmonology, Apollo Hospitals, Seshadripuram, says, “Covid Appropriate Behaviour, as we call it, should be religiously followed. While the vaccine is here and is accessible to the public, maintaining the COVID-19 safety regime is of utmost importance. There is a chance of contracting the disease even after the vaccination. It is compulsory to continue wearing a mask and follow other self-hygiene practices while at public places.”
One must also take the responsibility to educate others in a housing society and make them aware of the various safety steps to be followed at an individual level.
Do’s and Don’ts to Be Followed in Society Premises During COVID-19
- Make Mask Your Best Friend – Wear a mask as soon as you step out of your apartment. And always wear it while outdoors. Accept it that mask is now part of our wardrobe and leaving home without it is not a choice we have at present. What is more important is to know the right way to wear it! Not knowing or following the correct way of putting on a mask is as dangerous as not wearing it at all. So, correct others if you see them wearing it incorrectly too.
- Keep a Hand Sanitiser Handy – There are many common surfaces in your society, such as the staircase railing, lift buttons, gym equipment and even your parked vehicle, and you might accidentally touch them. Why take the risk of infection when you can keep a small sanitiser bottle handy and use it whenever necessary!
- Ensure Availability of Liquid Soap, Water, and Sanitisers – Many gated communities have already made these basic hand hygiene supplies available in their societies. Discuss with fellow residents and the management about having them placed at different locations in your society, including the elevators and entry and exit points.
- If Possible, Avoid the elevator – Elevator is one of the most used amenities in a society. If possible, ditch the elevator or at least limit yourself to only two people at a time. In a confined place like this, the chances of contracting the virus are higher. It can be from another person or by operating the buttons exposed to too many hands. Thus, taking the stairs is recommended. On the positive side, give your body some stretches and light-cardio it deserves from sitting at the desk through the day!
- Say No to Common Areas – With the numbers of cases increasing again, it will be wise to avoid using the common amenities and areas of the society. Clubhouse, swimming pool, gym, are exposed to several people and should be avoided. Make sure that the common areas such as elevators, staircase and corridors are sanitised regularly.
- Make Temperature Checks and Mask Mandatory – Make this a rule that everyone stepping in and out of the premises must get their temperature checked at the gate to ensure normal body temperature. Wearing masks in the society premises should be made mandatory too.
- Community training – Conduct drills to educate residents on practising social distancing, the correct hand washing etiquette, and the importance of face masks. Make residents aware of the 6ft distance rule that they must always follow. Restrict them from assembling in groups. Similarly, conduct a training session for domestic staff about social distancing and hygiene norms they should keep in mind not just while they are in the society but also when they are at home.
Unlike last year, COVID-19 may not be so prevalent this year, but the fact that it is still hovering over us is enough to take necessary precautions. So, it is not yet time to let your guards down!
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