Housing Society Election India

Published: February 20, 2024
Housing Society election process: Here’s all that you need to know!
Housing Society election process: Here’s all that you need to know!

The housing society election process is an important aspect of the functioning of any residential complex. It ensures that residents have a say in how their community is run, and it helps to ensure transparency and accountability within the management committee. 

In this blog, we will provide you with all the necessary information about apartment owners association election process in India, including membership counts, voting rights, disqualifications, deadlines, minimum members required for managing committees, establishing a managing committee, ineligibilities, housing society election rules  and procedures and key aspects.

Voting rights of members of housing society

To be eligible to vote or stand as a candidate in a housing society election, one must be a member of the society. Each society has its own set of criteria for determining who qualifies as a member, but typically, it includes anyone who owns property within the society or pays rent to live there.

Membership criteria vary among societies but commonly encompass property ownership or tenancy within the community. Individuals who own property or pay rent are usually considered members with the right to participate in housing society elections. This criterion ensures that those directly invested in the society have a say in its governance. 

By defining membership based on property ownership or tenancy, housing societies uphold democratic principles by granting voting rights and candidacy opportunities to those who have a direct stake in the community’s affairs. This inclusive approach fosters community engagement and ensures that decisions reflect the interests of those residing within the society.

How can one become a member of a housing society in India?

To become a member of a housing society in India, individuals can follow specific procedures outlined by the Cooperative Housing Society Act. Here are the key ways to become a member:

  • Promoter Member: A flat purchaser can join the registration process of the Cooperative Housing Society as a promoter member. All promoter members are automatically considered members of the society and are allotted shares.
  • Other Flat Owners: Individuals who did not join as promoter members can apply for membership by submitting a prescribed form. Upon approval, shares will be allotted to them.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To qualify as a member, individuals must be the owner of a flat under the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, be legally competent to contract under the Indian Contract Act, and meet other specified conditions.
  • Application Process: Applicants need to apply in writing using a prescribed form, which requires approval from the managing committee and subsequently from the Annual General Body Meeting.
  • Legal Entities: Companies, firms, trusts, societies, and other corporate entities can also become members by fulfilling additional terms and conditions specified by the government.

Minimum Members for Managing Committee

The minimum number of members required for a managing committee is a crucial aspect of governance and operational efficiency. The Cooperative Housing Society Act mandates that each society must have a managing committee to oversee its affairs. 

The minimum number of members needed to form this committee typically ranges between five to seven individuals, depending on the size and specific regulations of the society.

Having an adequate number of members on the managing committee ensures a diverse range of perspectives and skills are represented, promoting effective decision-making and governance. A larger committee can distribute responsibilities more effectively, allowing for better management of various aspects of the society such as finances, maintenance, legal matters, and community welfare.

Moreover, a sufficient number of committee members helps in preventing conflicts of interest and ensures accountability within the society. By having multiple individuals overseeing operations, there is a system of checks and balances in place, reducing the risk of any single individual exerting undue influence or making unilateral decisions.

Furthermore, a well-structured managing committee with the minimum required members fosters transparency and inclusivity in decision-making processes. It allows for broader participation from different sections of society, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and considered in matters that affect the community as a whole.

Housing Society Election in India

Here is the housing society election checklist and timeline:

  No. Event nameNotice PeriodDocuments to be sent with notice
1Intimation of Intention to Hold Election21 days before the election dateElection schedule.Rules and procedure of election.Current voter list with a request to update the details within the next 7 to 10 days.Call for nominations with forms, rules and procedures.
2Call for nomination21 days beforehandNomination form.List of documents required.Rules and procedure.Last date of submission of nomination.
The final date to file a nomination 7 days before the electionNot applicable.
4Result announcement Immediately after the voting window has ended.Election results, including the vote count for each candidate.
Housing Society Election Schedule

Key points to note regarding housing society elections in the byelaw.

All property owners in the housing society have equal voting rights and no member should be denied from that right. The first owner is supposed to exercise this voting right. Co-owners can also be allowed to vote in this housing society election process according to byelaw members might be barred from voting in the election if they have yet to pay their society dues fully.

Tenants do not have voting rights, restricted to the flat owner. All members have equal rights to participate in this election and must vote in person. According to most State Cooperative Acts and model byelaws housing society election procedure should be done through a secret ballot and election methods can be paper-based or online. 

Establishing a Managing Committee

Establishing a managing committee in a housing society is a pivotal process that involves several key steps to ensure effective governance and smooth functioning. The formation of a managing committee is essential for overseeing the day-to-day operations, making decisions, and representing the interests of the society members. Here is an in-depth look at the process of establishing a managing committee:

  • Nomination Process: The first step in establishing a managing committee is the nomination of candidates. Members of the society are invited to nominate themselves or others for positions on the committee. This process typically involves submitting nomination forms and meeting eligibility criteria set by the society’s bylaws.
  • Approval and Selection: Once nominations are received, they are reviewed by the existing committee or a designated election officer to ensure candidates meet all requirements. Approved candidates are then selected to run for positions on the managing committee.
  • Election Procedure: Housing society elections are conducted to elect members of the managing committee. This involves setting up polling stations, distributing ballots, and allowing members to cast their votes. The housing society election process should be fair, transparent, and conducted following society’s rules and regulations.
  • Formation of Committee: After the housing society election results are tallied, the newly elected members form the managing committee. They may hold an inaugural meeting to assign roles and responsibilities among themselves, elect office bearers such as a president, secretary, and treasurer, and establish working procedures for decision-making.
  • Handover and Transition: If there is an existing managing committee in place, a smooth handover process should take place to transfer responsibilities from the outgoing committee to the newly elected members. This ensures continuity in operations and prevents disruptions in essential services provided by society.
  • Orientation and Training: Newly elected committee members may undergo orientation sessions or training to familiarize themselves with their roles, responsibilities, legal obligations, and best practices for effective governance. This helps in ensuring that the managing committee operates efficiently and in the best interest of the society.

Who cannot become committee member of housing society

Ineligibility for a housing society committee pertains to the disqualification of certain individuals from serving on the managing body of the society. This exclusion is typically based on various criteria such as age, mental capacity, criminal history, past misconduct, or involvement in legal disputes related to society. 

Disqualified individuals include 

  • those under 18 years old, 
  • mentally unfit persons per court orders, 
  • criminals with moral turpitude convictions, previous removal from office due to misconduct, and 
  • employees or parties involved in legal disputes related to society.

Excluding these individuals ensures that only qualified individuals serve on the managing committee, thereby promoting good governance and protecting the interests of the society’s members.

Rules and Procedures for Cooperative Housing Society Elections (सहकारी गृहनिर्माण संस्था निवडणूक नियम)

Rules and procedures for cooperative housing society elections play a vital role in ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in the selection of leaders responsible for managing the society. These rules and procedures define the framework within which elections are held, specifying the timeline, eligibility criteria, nomination process, election procedure, and declaration of results. Here is a detailed overview of the rules and procedures for cooperative housing society elections:

  • Timelines: Housing society elections must occur at regular intervals, typically every three years. If no housing society elections take place within this period, the incumbent committee continues to manage the society until new officers are elected.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Only members of the society who have paid their dues are eligible to vote or stand for housing society election. Those who owe money to the society cannot participate in the election until they settle their accounts.
  • Nomination Process: Nominees are identified through a formal nomination process, often requiring interested parties to submit their names along with supporting documentation. Eligible nominees are then approved by the existing committee or a designated election officer.
  • Election Procedure: Ballots are distributed to members, and they cast their votes according to housing society election  rules laid down by the society. The election officer oversees the process to ensure fairness and accuracy.
  • Counting Votes: Once all ballots are collected, they are counted to determine the winner(s). Results are announced publicly after verification by the election officer.
  • Declaration of Winners: Successful candidates are officially declared winners and assume their duties immediately upon taking office.
  • Swearing-in Ceremony: Newly elected officers take an oath of office, pledging to perform their duties honestly and faithfully.
  • Record Keeping: Detailed records of the entire election process, including nominations, ballot distribution, voting, counting, and final results, are maintained for future reference.

These housing society election rules and procedures  promote fairness, transparency, and accountability while providing a framework for selecting capable leaders to manage society effectively. By adhering to these guidelines, housing societies can ensure that their leadership reflects the needs and desires of their members, leading to improved governance and overall satisfaction within the community.

Also Check out these pages for detailed understanding

Housing society secretary responsibilities
Society Management Committee
Role of treasurer in housing society
Who can become chairman of housing society
Who cannot become committee member of housing society
How to fill vacancy in managing committee of housing society
How to dissolve a housing society managing committee
Housing Society Rules and Regulations for Tenants


Mastering the nuances of housing society elections is pivotal for a well-run community. From membership criteria to election procedures, each step shapes governance. NoBrokerHood understands the importance of seamless society operations. Our platform offers innovative solutions to simplify management, enhance communication, and elevate community living. Join us in transforming your housing society experience. Explore NoBrokerHood‘s features today for a more organized and connected community living.


1. Who is eligible for housing society election in Maharashtra?

Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, including being a member of the society and having completed the necessary formalities like paying dues and attending AGMs.

2. Who has more power in a cooperative housing society?

The President of the Managing Committee holds the most power in a cooperative housing society.

3. Which member has the right to vote in a cooperative society?

Each member of the society has the right to vote, except those who have been declared inactive according to the society’s bylaws.

4. What are the rights of members of the housing society?

Members have the right to vote, attend general body meetings, inspect accounts, receive dividends, use facilities, and sell or transfer shares. To check the details and audit the charges spent on society management system software.

5. How many committee members are needed in a society?

At least seven members are required to constitute a committee in a cooperative housing society.

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